variety finder

V-Max® Futter- und Biomassemischungen


… WCS (whole crop silage) usage before winter


  • For increase in biomass after WCS or an early cereal harvest with the cut used before winter
  • Increased crop reliability through a balanced composition of different cereal components
  • Maintenance of the soil tilth throughout summer
  • viterra® GRANOPUR is as a pure cereal blend also very good for potato crop rotations

Blend details:

Weight % : 26 % bristle oat / saia oat OTEX
26 % Spring rye OVID
25 % Spring oat
23 % Spring triticale
Free of crucifers : yes
Free of legumes : yes
Winter hardy : no

Crop rotation suitability:

Maize ++
Cereals ++
Oilseed rape +
Sugar beets +
Potatoes ++
Intensive crops +
Legumes +
+ suitable / ++ strongly recommended


  • Biogas- and fodder production
  • Humus formation
  • Protection against erosion

Agronomic features:

Weed suppression: 6
Protection against erosion: 5
Humus formation: 5
Cold- and frost resistance: 2
bad / early / short / low
good / late / long / high
Type of root Tuft root
Rooting depth 80 cm

Cultivation recommendations:

Recommended sowing rate 135 - 150 kg/ha
Sowing depth 2 - 4 cm
Sowing period Early March to late May or early July to early August - depending on location!
Fertilization An early fertilization to promote the initial development is recommended.
Crop protection Usually there is no crop protection required
Sowing method Drill sowing ensure high crop emergences
Harvest Standing crop at yellow ripeness
Harvest date June/July for early sowing, October/November for sowing in summer

24.01.2025 15:01:12 // 16.00