variety finder

Spring protein pea


Early maturity and stiffness


  • High stiffness
  • Even and early maturity
  • Early and good soil coverage until harvest
  • High pods for ease of combine
  • Yellow grains - suitable for human consumption

Variety characteristics:

(Officially confirmed or respectively in line with Bundessortenamt)

Grain yield: 7
Protein content: 7
Protein yield: 6
Start flowering: 4
Plant height: 2
Stiffness: 7
Maturity: 3

bad / early / short / low
good / late / long / high


  • Grain use
  • Nitrogen fixation
  • Suitable for human and animal nutrition

Cultivation recommendations:

Recommended sowing rate early: 65 - 75 grains/m²; middle: 70 - 80 grains/m²; late: 75 - 90 grains/m²
Sowing depth 4 - 8 cm, the deeper the better the water supply
Sowing period March, good soil condition is required
Fertilization Liming: The soil should have a middle to high pH-level
Fertilization: 40-60 kg/ha P2O5, 100-120 kg/ha K2O, 20-40 kg/ha MgO
Mirconutrients: usually not necessary, 2 kg/ha manganese if needed
Crop protection Apply a suitable herbizide against grasses; Insecticide application against leaf beetle and aphids; Sow only ascochyta-free seed
Sowing method Drill seed in a dry, permeable seedbed with good crumb structure
Harvest At 14 - 16% moisture

28.04.2022 16:19:36 // 2.00

Cover crop programme 2024