variety finder

V-Max® Futter- und Biomassemischungen


... winter-hardy mixture for WCS (whole crop silage) and grain use


  • Good weed suppression and high nitrogen fixation
  • Flexible use possible: as protein-rich total plant silage for on-farm fodder production or for grain harvesting
  • WCS (whole crop silage) DM yields up to 145 dt/ha, grain yields up to 40 dt/ha possible
  • Savings on mineral fertiliser and crop protection measures without significant yield losses
  • Winter triticale BILBOQUET offers a higher stability in a mixture than other cereals.
  • Winter forage pea PIONIR increases the protein content in the forage
  • Over winter, the crop provides excellent erosion protection and protects against nutrient leaching
  • In the following year, the pea flower enriches the landscape and provides food for insects
  • Increases biodiversity in the soil and in crop rotation

Blend details:

Weight % : 77 % Winter triticale BICROSS
23 % Winter forage pea PIONIR
Free of crucifers : yes
Free of legumes : no
Winter hardy : yes

Crop rotation suitability:

Maize ++
Cereals +
Oilseed rape ++
Sugar beets +
Intensive crops
+ suitable / ++ strongly recommended


  • Biogas- and fodder production
  • Protection against erosion
  • Nitrogen fixation
  • Mulch sowing

Agronomic features:

Weed suppression: 7
Protection against erosion: 7
Ground water protection / Nitrogen conservation: 4
Humus formation: 5
Cold- and frost resistance: 9
Drought tolerance: 3
bad / early / short / low
good / late / long / high
Type of root Tuft root
Rooting depth 80 cm

Cultivation recommendations:

Recommended sowing rate 150 - 170 kg/ha
Sowing depth 1 - 2 cm
Sowing period Mid September until mid October
Fertilization An early fertilization to promote the initial development is recommended.
Crop protection Usually there is no plant protection required
Sowing method Drill sowing ensure high crop emergences
Harvest From standing crop; side knives are recommended
Harvest date Yellow ripeness in mid to end June or treshing

24.01.2025 15:09:17 // 4.00