variety finder

Winter vetch


Vigorous growth and high yielding - solo and in blends


  • Vigorous growth with high bio mass production
  • Excellent weed suppression due to quick soil coverage
  • Beneficial for following crop due to nitrogen fixation
  • Generation of organic substance boosts humus formation
  • Slightly hairy leaves, multi-paired with branched terminal vines
  • Especially suited for fodder production in blends with e.g. winter cereals

Variety characteristics:

(Officially confirmed or respectively in line with Bundessortenamt)

Mass formation after beginning of vegetation: 5

bad / early / short / low
good / late / long / high

Crop rotation suitability:

Maize ++
Cereals ++
Oilseed rape ++
Sugar beets +
Potatoes +
Intensive crops +
+ suitable / ++ strongly recommended


  • Green manure
  • Nitrogen fixation
  • Humus formation
  • Protection against erosion
  • Pollinator attractiveness
  • Biogas- and fodder production

Agronomic features:

Weed suppression: 9
Protection against erosion: 9
Humus formation: 8
Cold- and frost resistance: 8
bad / early / short / low
good / late / long / high

Cultivation recommendations:

Recommended sowing rate 60 - 80 kg/ha
Sowing depth 3 - 5 cm
Sowing period July until mid of September
Fertilization Usually not necessary in catch crop cultivation
Crop protection Usually not necessary in catch crop cultivation
Sowing method Drill sowing ensure high crop emergences

24.07.2023 14:37:28 // 1.00

Cover crop programme 2024