variety finder

V-Max® Futter- und Biomassemischungen


... grass-clover blend for harvest after winter


  • Stable yields for fodder and biogas
  • Suitable for second-crop forage production in combination with maize or sorghum
  • Nutrient uptake before hibernation and in early spring prevents leaching
  • Organic material consisting of roots and stubble improves humus balance and creates a high pioneer crop value
  • Suitable for Carbon Farming
  • viterra® FUTTER is not recommended for arid locations and soil with low water retention capability

Blend details:

Seeds % : 51 % crimson clover
49 % Italian ryegrass
Free of crucifers : yes
Free of legumes : no
Winter hardy : yes

Crop rotation suitability:

Maize ++
Cereals ++
Oilseed rape +
Sugar beets +
Potatoes +
+ suitable / ++ strongly recommended


  • Green manure
  • Biogas- and fodder production
  • Humus formation
  • Ground water protection / Nitrogen conservation
  • Protection against erosion
  • Nitrogen fixation

Agronomic features:

Weed suppression: 5
Protection against erosion: 9
Ground water protection / Nitrogen conservation: 7
Humus formation: 8
Cold- and frost resistance: 9
Drought tolerance: 6
bad / early / short / low
good / late / long / high
Type of root Tuft root
Rooting depth 120 cm

Cultivation recommendations:

Recommended sowing rate 35 - 40 kg/ha
Sowing depth 2 - 4 cm
Sowing period Mid- to late September as winter cover crop or late July to early August as summer cover crop - depending on location!
Fertilization An early fertilization to promote the initial development.
Crop protection Usually there is no crop protection required
Sowing method Drill sowing ensure high crop emergences
Harvest As green forage and silage use with loader wagon or with chopper after prewilting phase
Harvest date April until early May (if sowed very early cutting before winter)

24.01.2025 15:21:19 // 17.00