variety finder

Spring protein pea


Yields on top of the world!


  • Semi-leafless variety with high biomass production
  • Very high protein content combined with top biomass yield
  • Fast development with good ground cover - excellent weed suppression
  • High seed yield - also suitable for grain usage
  • High fodder value
  • Especially suited for silage blends

Variety characteristics:

(Officially confirmed or respectively in line with Bundessortenamt)

Grain yield: 8
Protein content: 6
Protein yield: 6
Foliage yield: 8
Start flowering: 5
Plant height: 7
Stiffness: 7
Maturity: 4

bad / early / short / low
good / late / long / high


  • Grain use
  • Suitable for human and animal nutrition

Cultivation recommendations:

Recommended sowing rate 60 - 80 grains/m²
Sowing depth 4 - 6 cm; good water supply essential
Sowing period Middle of March to end of April
Fertilization No N-fertilization necessary. Depending on the nutrient content of the soil and nutrient extraction 40-60 kg P₂O₅/ha, 100-130 kg K₂O/ha and about 20-50 kg MgO/ha are advised.
Crop protection Use herbicides during pre-emergence or mechanically hoe or harrow the field for weed control. Post-emergence herbicide application specifically against grasses is possible. When considering usage of fungizides and insecticides mind the damage threshhold.
Sowing method Single or double row spacing is beneficial for the yield; if necessary roll after sowing
Harvest At harvest pods and stems should be brown, the grains hard. Optimal moisture for harvesting 14-16%. Use protective setting fo threshing to avoid broken grains and micro cracks.
Cultivation This cultivation advice is for the grain usage of HELIUM. When used in silage blends please follow the advice of the specific blend.

06.06.2023 14:46:37 // 2.00 - Breeder: P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard GmbH

Cover crop programme 2024