variety finder

bristle oat / saia oat


Cover crop with strong early development


  • Flexible use - for green manure as well as for forage production
  • Rapid soil covering for effective weed suppression
  • Additional organic matter for the activation of useful soil microorganisms
  • Intensive rooting promotes soil fertility and protects against erosion
  • Good stability for easy harvest before winter
  • OTEX is not winter hardy
  • Optimal in crop rotations with Maize, Oil seed rape and Potatoes

Variety characteristics:

(Officially confirmed or respectively in line with Bundessortenamt)

Initial mass formation: 5
Ground coverage: 6
Plant height: 4
Stiffness: 7
Dry matter yield: 4

bad / early / short / low
good / late / long / high

Crop rotation suitability:

Maize ++
Cereals +
Oilseed rape ++
Sugar beets ++
Potatoes ++
Intensive crops ++
Legumes +
+ suitable / ++ strongly recommended


  • Humus formation
  • Protection against erosion
  • Ground water protection / Nitrogen conservation
  • Green manure
  • Biogas- and fodder production

Agronomic features:

Weed suppression: 7
Protection against erosion: 6
Ground water protection / Nitrogen conservation: 6
Humus formation: 5
Cold- and frost resistance: 2
Drought tolerance: 7
bad / early / short / low
good / late / long / high
Type of root Tuft root
Rooting depth 80 cm

Cultivation recommendations:

Recommended sowing rate Erosion protection: 25 - 50 kg/ha, Biomass production: 50-125 kg/ha
Sowing depth 2 - 4 cm
Sowing period July until September - depending on location!
Fertilization 30 - 60 kg N/ha for cover crop, 60 - 120 kg N/ha for main biomass production
Crop protection Usually there is no plant protection required
Sowing method Drill seed is recommended

11.08.2021 15:38:06 // 12.00 - Breeder: P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard GmbH

Cover crop programme 2024